
Tuesday May 11, 2021
Remember The Game #148 - Chip N Dale: Rescue Rangers
Tuesday May 11, 2021
Tuesday May 11, 2021
The NES library is FULL of games based on popular IPs. Unfortunately, most of them suck.
Fortunately, Chip n Dale doesn't!
In an era where so many developers relied on a popular name being printed on a box to sell games, Capcom bucked the trend. And while many of their NES Disney games are awesome, Chip n Dale Rescue Rangers might just be the best of the bunch.
It's not the hardest game you'll ever play. Or the deepest. Or the longest. But it's a rock solid, fun little platformer that even a below average gamer can finish. And sometimes, an easier game just hits right.
My pal Brad is the Chip to my Dale, and we had a nice, fat cat sized chat about the iconic NES gem; Chip N Dale Rescue Rangers.
And before we talk chipmunks, it's another edition Remember The Game Infamous Intro!
This week, I explain why I don't think buying EA's card "packs" is the same as buying physical cards. We also look at video game power-ups we wish were real, and one of our listeners has an idea for a Nintendo Gamerscore/Trophy system.
Plus, we have another round of 'Play One, Remake One, Erase One'. This time, it's the "Games Based on Cartoons" edition, featuring Bucky O'Hare, Tiny Toons: Buster Busts Loose, and Goof Troop!
Are you on social media? Of course you are. So follow us! We'll probably follow you back ;)
Twitter: @MemberTheGame
Instagram: @MemberTheGame

Tuesday May 04, 2021
Remember The Game #147 - Super Mario Land 2
Tuesday May 04, 2021
Tuesday May 04, 2021
A frequent request of the hot dogs is for us to cover more handheld games on the podcast. And I'm nothing, if not a man of the hot dogs. So today we're talking Super Mario Land 2: 6 Golden Coins for the OG Game Boy.
This is a special game for a few reasons. First and foremost, it's really good. The original Super Mario Land was sweet, but the sequel was a HUGE jump in quality in every regard; graphics, gameplay, music, everything. It's a game tons of us 90's kids grew up with.
And most importantly, Super Mario Land 2 saw the debut of one of the greatest characters in not only Nintendo history, but GAMING history - Wario.
My friend Bradley joins me on the show this week, and we got fired right up talking about Mario, Wario, and 6 gold coins. If you haven't played this game, take a couple hours and run through it. Wario commands you!
And before we talk Wario, it's another edition Remember The Game Infamous Intro!
This week, I share my opinions on pinball, point & click adventure games, and whether or not the onus is on us, as gamers, to buy games at full price to support studios and developers.
Plus, we have another round of 'Play One, Remake One, Erase One'. This time, it's the "Game Boy Greats" edition, featuring Wario Land: Super Mario Land 3, Metroid II: Return of Samus, and Mega Man V!
Are you on social media? Of course you are. So follow us! We'll probably follow you back ;)
Twitter: @MemberTheGame
Instagram: @MemberTheGame

Tuesday Apr 27, 2021
Remember The Game #146 - ToeJam & Earl
Tuesday Apr 27, 2021
Tuesday Apr 27, 2021
ToeJam & Earl won our Patreon Poll last month, and now that I've the chance to spend time with it, I gotta say - well done, hot dogs. This game kicks an insane amount of ass.
If you've never played it, you control a pair of aliens named Toe Jam & Earl who have crash landed on Earth. You help them collect the pieces of their ship, while avoiding some of the weirdest enemies I've ever seen in a video game. You pick up presents along the way that contain random items; some good, some bad. What makes this game special is that every game can be different. You never know what's in a present until you open it. It's like a retro rogue like, and it's spectacular.
My friend Kait joins me on the show this week, and we geek out all over these stupid aliens and their weird presents. ToeJam & Earl is now one of my absolute favourite Genesis games, and I hope our show this week convinces you to give it a shot if you haven't.
And before we get funky, it's another edition Remember The Game Infamous Intro!
This week, we talk about stuff like kids listening to this podcast, a potential Metal Gear Solid remake, what other consoles would I like to see get the "mini" treatment, and I rant about SEGA Saturn fans again.
Plus, we have another round of 'Play One, Remake One, Erase One'. This time, it's the "Genesis Gems" edition, featuring Comix Zone, Vectorman, and Gunstar Heroes!
Are you on social media? Of course you are. So follow us! We'll probably follow you back ;)
Twitter: @MemberTheGame
Instagram: @MemberTheGame

Tuesday Apr 20, 2021
Remember The Game #145 - GoldenEye 007 (Part II)
Tuesday Apr 20, 2021
Tuesday Apr 20, 2021
This week, we're revisiting another one of the games we covered back in the baby days of the show, and we picked a beast of a game to back to. The iconic, beloved, best-selling, rumble packing, friendship destroying Goldeneye 007 for the Nintendo 64!
I'm willing to bet a VAST majority of our audience has played this one, and everyone in our audience has at least heard of it. My guest this week is my buddy David Rae, and we spent over an hour talking about the game one of our listener's called "The Godfather of First Person Shooters". It's Goldeneye. What else can I say?
And before we tear down you sleaze bags that tried to play as Oddjob, it's another edition Remember The Game Infamous Intro!
This week, we talk consoles we don't cover (or at least, don't cover enough) on the show. We also get into why more developers didn't utilize "lock on technology" in the 90's, and Playstation backtracking on the closures of the PS3 and PS Vita Playstation stores.
Plus, we have another round of 'Play One, Remake One, Erase One'. This time, it's the "Games Based on Movies" edition, featuring Spider-Man 2, Willow, and The Lion King!
Are you on social media? Of course you are. So follow us! We'll probably follow you back ;)
Twitter: @MemberTheGame
Instagram: @MemberTheGame
And find David's new podcast here:
Instagram: @QuantumKickFlip
Twitter: @QuantumKickFlip

Tuesday Apr 13, 2021
Remember The Game #144 - Uncharted: Drake's Fortune
Tuesday Apr 13, 2021
Tuesday Apr 13, 2021
Remember playing Metal Gear Solid back in the day? You (probably) either thought the story telling and cinematic were incredible, or you thought the cutscenes sucked and you just wanted to play the game. And there's a decent chance you felt the same way about Uncharted.
I was late to the Playstation 3 party, and when I finally got there, Uncharted was the first series I got into. REALLY into. I love this series. All four games are a great combination of story telling, graphics, gameplay, and fantastic music. These really are like playing a movie. Some people love that, and some people hate it. My guest Tim and I are both 100% the former.
This is one of those episodes where we kinda look at the series as a whole, as opposed to focusing on one particular game. I hope ya like it!
And before we listen to Sully offer us useless advice, it's another Remember The Game Infamous Intro!
This week, we talk about my reliance on food metaphors, TV shows from our childhood that have been completely forgotten about, and the shit everyone is giving Outriders (and whether or not it's deserved).
Plus, we have another round of 'Play One, Remake One, Erase One'. This time, it's the "Playstation exclusives that HAVEN'T been remade lately" edition, featuring Jak and Daxter, Sly Cooper and Infamous!
Are you on social media? Of course you are. So follow us! We'll probably follow you back ;)
Twitter: @MemberTheGame
Instagram: @MemberTheGame
And find Tim here:
Instagram: @Tim_Riel

Tuesday Apr 06, 2021
Remember The Game #143 - WWF Wrestlemania 2000
Tuesday Apr 06, 2021
Tuesday Apr 06, 2021
It's Wrestlemania week in WWE, so I thought it would only be fitting to cover a game with 'Wrestlemania' in the title. Initially, we planned to talk about WWF Wrestlemania for the NES, but after playing it for 10 minutes, I realized that not only does it suck, but there's nothing there to talk about. We ended up throwing a short bonus "review" of it into this episode, but that's all we could come up with.
WWF Wrestlemania 2000 for the Nintendo 64, however? I could talk about that game for days! Or an hour at least. My buddy Brad returns to the podcast this week, and we went back to 1999, the Attitude Era, THQ's transition from WCW video games to WWF video games, and we had a great chat about the occasionally overlooked member of the THQ quartet of wrestling games; WWF Wrestlemania 2000.
I love this game.
And as always, before we get to the main event, it's another Remember The Game Infamous Intro!
This week, we talk about nerdy tattoos, which Ninja Turtles cartoon was the best, and I give some Mario Kart 8 advice to a fellow hot dog.
Plus, we have another round of 'Play One, Remake One, Erase One'. This time, it's the "Couch Co-op/Mulitplayer" edition, featuring Mario Party, Super Bomberman, and Mario Strikers!
If you want to skip to something specific, here's where to go:
0:00 - Intro
2:30 - Initial self-indulgent rambling & 'Expansion Pass #53: Video Game Rental Memories' Clip
11:15 - 'Blowing In The Cartridge' (Listener comments & questions)
24:00 - 'Play One. Remake One. Erase One.'
37:05 - What have I been playing?
38:55 - Listener's 'Mania 2000 Thoughts
42:30 - WWF Wrestlemania 2000 talk!
Enjoy the podcast!

Tuesday Mar 30, 2021
Remember The Game #142 - Star Fox 64
Tuesday Mar 30, 2021
Tuesday Mar 30, 2021
Star Fox 64 won our Patreon poll last month, and a deal is a deal. I played through it - multiple times - and I'm ready to rant.
I know this game is pretty beloved by a large chunk of the retro gaming community. Personally, it's not really my cup of tea, but there's a big difference between a bad game, and a good game that I just don't like. I think this is the latter, and while I definitely got into the stuff that didn't tickle my fancy, I did my best to show this game the respect that I think it deserves. Except Slippy. Fuck him so much.
Plus, my buddy Daniel was my guest this week, and he grew up playing this bad boy, so even if you don't like what I have to say, he should make up for it.
And as always, before we start doing barrel rolls, it's another Remember The Game Infamous Intro!
This week, we talk about my inability to pronounce people's names. We also get into working out to video game soundtracks, a bunch of listeners throw game suggestions at me, and a lifelong Playstation fan picked up an Xbox Series S when he couldn't find a PS5, and now he finds himself at a gaming crossroads.
Plus, we have another round of 'Play One, Remake One, Erase One'. This time, it's the "Forgotten Nintendo Franchise" edition, featuring the entire franchises of Punch-Out!, Star Fox, and F-Zero!
If you want to skip to something specific, here's where to go:
0:00 - Intro
2:45 - Initial self-indulgent rambling & 'Expansion Pass #52: Couch Co-op Memories' Clip
11:30 - 'Blowing In The Cartridge' (Listener comments & questions)
26:20 - 'Play One. Remake One. Erase One.'
38:00 - What have I been playing?
40:45 - Listener's Star Fox Thoughts
43:30 - Star Fox 64 talk!
Enjoy the podcast!

Tuesday Mar 23, 2021
Remember The Game #141 - Donkey Kong Country 2: Diddy's Kong Quest
Tuesday Mar 23, 2021
Tuesday Mar 23, 2021
Is Donkey Kong Country 2: Diddy's Kong Quest the best game we've never covered on the show? I'd certainly listen to that argument, but fortunately, it's a right that's been wronged! My buddy, and the Diddy to my Donkey, Bradley McCue, joins me this week, and we have a nice beefy chat about the game many consider to be the best of the original DKC trilogy.
This episode is worth listening to for the music alone.
And as always, before we talk Dixie Kong's debut, it's another Remember The Game Infamous Intro!
This week, we talk about what consoles should be considered "retro", the games I didn't understand as a kid, "petty" enemies, and why a game's length is directly compared to it's value.
Plus, we have another round of 'Play One, Remake One, Erase One'. This time, it's the Rare edition, featuring Donkey Kong Country, Banjo-Kazooie, and Diddy Kong Racing!
If you want to skip to something specific, here's where to go:
0:00 - Intro
2:20 - Initial self-indulgent rambling & 'Expansion Pass #51: God of War (2018) Review' Clip
9:25 - 'Blowing In The Cartridge' (Listener comments & questions)
29:30 - 'Play One. Remake One. Erase One.'
38:20 - What have I been playing?
41:00 - Listener's DKC2 Thoughts
48:00 - Donkey Kong Country 2: Diddy's Kong Quest talk!
Enjoy the podcast!

Tuesday Mar 16, 2021
Remember The Game#140 - Speed Running WITH SPECIAL GUEST: SUMMONING SALT
Tuesday Mar 16, 2021
Tuesday Mar 16, 2021
For quite some time, a vocal portion of our audience has asked me to weigh in on speed running. If you don't know what 'speed running' is, it's when players attempt to finish a game as fast as humanly possible. And admittedly, I don't know that much about it. So I found someone who does. My special guest this week is the one and only, Summoning Salt!
Summoning Salt is a Youtuber that creates phenomenal documentary style videos about speed running. He takes individual games, breaks down the history of the speed run world record for said particular game, and does a great explaining not only what the record is and who holds it, but how they got there. Tricks, tips, strategies. I went into his videos knowing NOTHING about speed running, and I've learned a ton from watching his youtube channel.
And in addition to his channel, Summoning Salt is a speed runner himself. He holds several world records right now, with his area of expertise being Mike Tyson's Punch-Out!! from the NES. One of his records is the fastest ever TKO of Tyson himself, clocking in at an INSANE 2:00:97!!!!
We had a great chat about the hobby itself, advice for new speed runners, Salt's records, how he got into making videos, the speed running community as a whole, and more. It was a real pleasure talking with him, and I hope you enjoy the episode.
You can find Summoning Salt here:
Youtube Channel - Youtube.com/SummoningSalt
Twitter - @SummoningSalt
And as always, before we talk speed running, it's another Remember The Game Infamous Intro!
This week, we talk about TMNT: Shredder's Revenge, where I see 'Remember The Game?' in five years, gaming fatigue, and someone asks which Super Mario game they should play first.
Plus, we have another round of 'Play One, Remake One, Erase One'. This time, it's the TMNT edition, featuring Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (NES), TMNT IV: Turtles in Time, and TMNT: Tournament Fighters!
**If you're interested in tickets to my online comedy show on March 20th, you can find them at Eventbrite.com!**
And if you want to skip to something specific, here's where to go:
0:00 - Intro
5:17 - Initial self-indulgent rambling & 'Expansion Pass #50: Ranking My Favourite SNES Games' Clip
13:55 - 'Blowing In The Cartridge' (Listener comments & questions)
29:30 - 'Play One. Remake One. Erase One.'
39:50 - What have I been playing?
41:25 - Listener's 'Speed Running' Thoughts
48:00 - Interview with Summoning Salt!
Enjoy the podcast!

Tuesday Mar 09, 2021
Remember The Game #139 - Duck Hunt
Tuesday Mar 09, 2021
Tuesday Mar 09, 2021
We're going all the way back to 1985 this week. The NES has just hit North America, and while everyones obsessed with Mario and trying to figure out which fucking castle that princess is hiding in, they're also hunting ducks. And then failing. And then getting laughed at by a digital dog. And then shooting said dog to no affect.
Let's talk Duck Hunt.
Admittedly, I was a little nervous this episode would be kinda boring, but I think we pulled a gem outta the bushes here. My buddy, fellow comic, and NES lover David Rae returns to the show this week, and damned if we didn't have a nice chat about giving up after 3 ducks and putting your zappers right up against the TV screen, among other things. I hope you enjoy it!
And as always, before we hunt ducks, it's another Remember The Game Infamous Intro!
This week, we talk about Christmas video game memories, Zelda 2 from the NES rears it's misunderstood head, and we talk a little Ninja Turtles 'The Last Ronin' comic books.
I also answer a question about the early days of the show, and explain what exactly inspired me to create 'Remember The Game?'
Plus, we have another round of 'Play One, Remake One, Erase One'. This time, it's the NES Black Box edition, featuring Excitebike, Balloon Fight, and Ice Climber!
**If you're interested in tickets to my online comedy show on March 20th, you can find them at Eventbrite.com!**
And if you want to skip to something specific, here's where to go:
0:00 - Intro
1:50 - Initial self-indulgent rambling & 'Expansion Pass #49: Happy 4th Birthday, Nintendo Switch' Clip
8:40 - 'Blowing In The Cartridge' (Listener comments & questions)
29:40 - 'Play One. Remake One. Erase One.'
40:09 - What have I been playing?
41:50 - Listener's 'Duck Hunt' Memories
45:18 + Duck Hunt Talk!
Enjoy the podcast!
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