
Tuesday Mar 02, 2021
Remember The Game #138 - Metroid Fusion
Tuesday Mar 02, 2021
Tuesday Mar 02, 2021
This week, we're gonna right two wrongs with one stone, and show both the GBA and the Metroid franchise some much overdue love on the show. It's all about the (outstanding) Game Boy Advance title Metroid Fusion this week!
I played this thing for the first time recently, at the suggestion of my guest Daniel, and I get the hype now. It's shorter than you'd expect, and quite linear - especially for a Metroid title - but damned if they didn't pack everything they had into that short line of a game. I'm not ready to say this is my favourite GBA game of all-time, but it's a contender without a shadow of a doubt.
I gotta play more GBA and more Metroid. If only Nintendo had a handheld console that could address both of those things at once...
And of course, before we talk Metroid Fusion, it's the Remember The Game Infamous Intro!
This week, I suck the dick of both Ori games extensively. We talk about a possible 'Resident Evil Ranking' episode of Expansion Pass, and I answer the question "who's your favourite wrestler of all-time?"
Plus, we have another round of 'Play One, Remake One, Erase One'. This time, it's the GBA edition, featuring Metroid Fusion, Advance Wars, and The Legend of Zelda: The Minish Cap!
**If you're interested in tickets to my online comedy show on March 20th, you can find them at Eventbrite.com!**
And if you want to skip to something specific, here's where to go:
0:00 - Intro
2:04 - Initial self-indulgent rambling & 'Expansion Pass #48: Each Console's "Must Own" Game' Clip
9:00 - 'Blowing In The Cartridge' (Listener comments & questions)
17:50 - 'Play One. Remake One. Erase One.'
28:37 - What have I been playing?
30:33 - Listener's 'Metroid Fusion' Memories
33:30 + Metroid Fusion Talk!
Enjoy the podcast!

Tuesday Feb 23, 2021
Remember The Game? #137 - Final Fantasy VIII
Tuesday Feb 23, 2021
Tuesday Feb 23, 2021
It's finally time to sit down and talk about Final Fantasy VIII. Unquestionably, the most divisive game in the history of this stupid podcast. A vocal majority of you hate this game, and an even more vocal minority defend it like their lives depend on it. I had never played it, but then it won our Patreon poll, and I put a good 40 hours into seeing what all the hubbub is about.
And I have a LOT to say.
My pal Andre is one of those Final Fantasy VIII defenders, and he gave me a call last week to chat about Squall and friends. And chat we did. The 'game talk' portion of this week's show clocked in around ninety minutes, and we went over all the stuff we liked, and all the stuff we hated about this game. And trust me, there's plenty of both.
And of course, before we talk Final Fantasy, it's the Remember The Game Infamous Intro!
This week, I get into stuff like whether someone should buy a Switch now, or wait for a potential 'Pro' iteration. I pick my four character dream team of Final Fantasy characters, and decide which Final Fantasy villain they'll go up against. Why the hell has Nintendo not brought back the NES Remix series?? And more!
Plus, we have another round of 'Play One, Remake One, Erase One'. This time, it's the PSOne Final Fantasy' edition, featuring Final Fantasy VII, Final Fantasy VIII, and Final Fantasy IX!
If you want to skip to something specific, here's where to go:
0:00 - Intro
2:15 - Initial self-indulgent rambling & 'Expansion Pass #47: Best/Worst Controllers' Clip
9:05 - 'Blowing In The Cartridge' (Listener comments & questions)
25:10 - 'Play One. Remake One. Erase One.'
36:10 - What have I been playing?
38:10 - Listener's 'Final Fantasy VIII' Memories
42:05 + Final Fantasy Talk!
Enjoy the podcast!

Tuesday Feb 16, 2021
Remember The Game #136 - Zombies Ate My Neighbors
Tuesday Feb 16, 2021
Tuesday Feb 16, 2021
Zombies Ate My Neighbours has been one of the most requested games for us to cover on the show over the last couple years. I never played it back in my youth, and honestly, I kinda wrote it off. I thought it looked generic. One of those games that ended up selling for $19.99 after the console generation was coming to an end.
But then I played it.
This game kicks ass. It's tough, but fair(ish). The combination of 'easy to learn, tough to master' mechanics and randomly generated item drops keeps you coming back for one more game, and every time you get past the level that beat you on your last attempt, you feel rejuvenated and want to keep going.
I like Zombies Ate My Neighbours now. My guest, the incomperable Thaddeus Archer the Third, has always been a fan. We finally put our heads together and had a nice chat about saving BBQ'ing weirdos and cheerleaders from demon baby dolls, and you can listen it on it this week.
And of course, before we talk Zombies, it's the Remember The Game Infamous Intro!
This week, we look at the best retro gaming soundtracks, and retro series we'd like to see continued (a discussion sparked by Streets of Rage 4). We also look at the possibility of Nintendo 64 games coming to Switch, and if they do, whether or not we'd like to see Nintendo release N64 controllers for the Switch like they did with NES and SNES controllers.
Plus, we have another round of 'Play One, Remake One, Erase One'. This time, it's the 'retro halloween-y games' edition, featuring Zombies Ate my Neighbours, Splatterhouse 2, and Super Ghouls 'n' Ghosts!
If you want to skip to something specific, here's where to go:
0:00 - Intro
2:50 - Initial self-indulgent rambling & 'Expansion Pass #46: Play One/Remake One/Erase One - Hot Dog Edition' Clip
10:40 - 'Blowing In The Cartridge' (Listener comments & questions)
23:50 - 'Play One. Remake One. Erase One.'
32:30 - What have I been playing?
34:45 - Listener's 'Zombies Ate my Neighbours' Memories
37:20 + Zombie Talk!
Enjoy the podcast!

Tuesday Feb 09, 2021
Tuesday Feb 09, 2021
This week, we're re-visiting a game that we covered back in the infant days of 'Remember The Game?', and this one goes all the way back to episode 2! My buddy Tyler is my guest, and we're taking another peak at one of the most beloved beat 'em ups in gaming history; Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles IV: Turtles in Time!
This bad boy is considered by many to be the best Ninja Turtles game ever made, and it's frigging thirty years old. I don't know if that's a testament to the quality of the game, or a shot at the lack of good Turtles games over the past 3 decades, but I digress. This game is rad, and I'm happy to welcome it back to the show.
And of course, before Sewer Surfin', it's the Remember The Game Infamous Intro!
This week, a listener writes in and says that 'Angry Adam' makes him feel better about his own kid's controller throwing. I get asked if I'd rather have all my childhood games back, or have the opportunity to invest in GameStop before that whole thing happened. And we talk about all the dormant Nintendo IPs, and why they aren't doing anything with them!
Plus, we have another round of 'Play One, Remake One, Erase One'. This time, it's the 'Make Adam Sweat' edition, featuring Super Mario World, The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past, and Earthbound.
This is a big 'un. If you want to skip to something specific, here's where to go:
0:00 - Intro
2:45 - Initial self-indulgent rambling & 'Expansion Pass #45: Cyber Shadow Review' Clip
9:30 - 'Blowing In The Cartridge' (Listener comments & questions)
22:15 - 'Play One. Remake One. Erase One.'
36:20 - What have I been playing?
38:15 - Listener's Turtles in Time Memories
45:00 + Turtle Talk!
Enjoy the podcast!

Tuesday Feb 02, 2021
Remember The Game #134 - The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
Tuesday Feb 02, 2021
Tuesday Feb 02, 2021
I've been promising for a couple months now that we'd start covering the odd Playstation 3/Xbox 360 game. Whether or not these games are considered "retro" had been a divisive topic among our listeners, but more and more younger fans of the show have reached out and said these games were to them what the NES, SNES, and Genesis were to old folk like me.
So I decided to play to the young whippersnappers with the occasional episode, and why not start with one of the biggest games of the generation; The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim.
This game intimidates me. There's so much to cover and talk about. Everyone experiences it differently. For example, I have 100 hours logged in this game and I've never finished it. I don't really know what the story is. I just like exploring. My guest, former RTG Hall of Fame Mark McCue, has finished it several times, and knows all about the various stories and sub-stories and everything.
We spent almost an hour and a half talking about Skyrim. The good, the bad, the bugs. What it did for gaming, and what the next entry has to do to stay relevant. This is the longest episode in RTG history, and I hope it proves to be worth your time.
And of course, before Skyrim, it's the Remember The Game Infamous Intro! This week, I get into stuff like the frustrations that come with trying to learn a game at a high level, and whether or not Nintendo will ever implement their own Trophies/Achievements system. We also talk about the growing number of game studios popping up in the news due to poor work conditions, harassment, and abusive management, and if we, as gamers, should still be supporting them.
Plus, we have another round of 'Play One, Remake One, Erase One'. This time, it's the 'Some of the best games from the PS3/Xbox 360 era' edition, featuring Dead Space, Batman: Arkahm City, and Fallout 3.
This is a big 'un. If you want to skip to something specific, here's where to go:
0:00 - Intro
3:30 - Initial self-indulgent rambling & 'Expansion Pass #44: Worst Enemies in Gaming' Clip
11:46 - 'Blowing In The Cartridge' (Listener comments & questions)
25:05 - 'Play One. Remake One. Erase One.'
38:58 - What have I been playing?
41:16 - Listener's Skyrim Memories
45:00 + Skyrim Talk!
Enjoy the podcast!

Tuesday Jan 26, 2021
Remember The Game #133 - WWF Royal Rumble
Tuesday Jan 26, 2021
Tuesday Jan 26, 2021
It's Royal Rumble weekend in the WWE, so I figured it was the perfect time to talk about one of my favourite games of the early 90's - WWF Royal Rumble!
We rented this game over and over and over as kids, before finally just plunking down the cash and buying it from the video store. It's funny, because WWF Royal Rumble really hasn't aged well. There's not really any depth at all to the gameplay, and the only mode that was worth a damn was the Royal Rumble itself. But that was all little Adam the booger eating wrestling junkie needed!
My buddy and fellow comedian Miklos Blackshaw returns to the show this week, and we had a nice chat about cheaply throwing guys over the top rope as soon as they got in the ring, unplugging your opponent's controller to finally fill up your move gauge, and of course, those fucking awesome old school entrance themes. It's WWF Royal Rumble!
And as always, before the main event, you have to have an undercard, featuring the Remember The Game Infamous Intro! This week, I talk about whether you should hack an arcade cabinet to add more games, or leave it as is. Should game stores still be promoting Cyberpunk 2077? Which game(s) made me so mad I considered quitting gaming? And more!
Plus, we have another round of 'Play One, Remake One, Erase One'. This time, it's the 'Wrestling GOATs' Edition, starring SmackDown: Here Comes the Pain!, WWF: No Mercy, and WCW/nWo Revenge!
If you want to skip to something specific, here's where to go:
0:00 - 2:25 Intro
2:25 - 10:00 Initial self-indulgent rambling & 'Expansion Pass #43: 2021 Gaming Predictions' Clip
10:00 - 23:10 'Blowing In The Cartridge' (Listener comments & questions)
23:10 - 37:30 'Play One. Remake One. Erase One.'
37:30 - 38:50 What have I been playing?
38:50 - 40:42 Listener's Royal Rumble Memories
40:42 + WWF Royal Rumble Talk!
Enjoy the podcast!

Tuesday Jan 19, 2021
Remember The Game #132 - River City Ransom
Tuesday Jan 19, 2021
Tuesday Jan 19, 2021
River City Ransom won last month's Patreon poll, and I figured this would be a perfect time to cover it, because it'll get the horrible taste of last week's Shaq-Fu episode of out our mouths.
If you haven't played River City Ransom, it's a beat 'em up from way back on the ol' NES. You control little square headed guys and fight other little square headed guys to save your girlfriends (who I assume are also square headed). At a glance, it's just a funny looking button masher. But once you get into the game, you realize it has some RPG mechanics, tons of items and power ups to buy, and while it can be a little confusing without a manual or guide, it's a pretty fun game that might have been ahead of it's time.
I liked it. I don't know if I loved it. But I have good things to say. So does my friend Chris, who grew up paying ransoms in River City, and we'll tell you all about it on this week's show.
And of course, we have another edition of the Remember The Game Infamous Intro! This time, I get into stuff like censorship in video games (and all media, frankly), which Ninja Turtle would win a fight to the death over his brothers, is there a non-Nintendo franchise that's as consistent and frequent as Mario and Zelda, and more!
Plus, we have another round of 'Play One, Remake One, Erase One'. This time, it's the 'Previous Patreon Poll Prevailers' Edition, starring Sonic Adventure, Shining Force, and Final Fantasy.
If you want to skip to something specific, here's where to go:
0:00 - 1:40 Intro
1:40 - 8:28 Initial self-indulgent rambling
8:28 - 30:50 'Blowing In The Cartridge' (Listener comments & questions, and Letter Time!)
30:50 - 41:22 'Play One. Remake One. Erase One.'
41:22 - 43:55 What have I been playing?
43:55 - 46:05 Listener's Shaq-Fu Memories
46:05 + River City Ransom Talk!
Enjoy the podcast!

Tuesday Jan 12, 2021
Remember The Game #131 - Shaq-Fu
Tuesday Jan 12, 2021
Tuesday Jan 12, 2021
Last week, we covered Tetris. Arguably the single greatest video game ever made. This week? Shaq-Fu. Arguably the worst video game ever made. It's all about balance, you guys.
Shaq-Fu is a game about former NBA All-Star Shaquille O'Neal. And maybe you're thinking, well that's cool. I love basketball games. This isn't a basketball game. That would make too much sense. This is a fighting game. Shaq goes to an alternate dimension (via Toyko) and fights aliens to save a missing child before his basketball game.
I know. Remember The Game? might be jumping the shark this week.
My guest is my best good friend Brad Woren, and damned if we didn't swear, scream and stumble our way through a chat about one of the biggest abominations in gaming history; Shaq-Fu.
And speaking of abominations, this episode features another Remember The Game Infamous Intro! It's a long one this week, and we get into stuff like why more movies don't get video games released alongside their theatrical debuts anymore, whether or not Arcade 1Up is running out of ideas, and what Nintendo might have up their sleeves for Zelda's 35th Anniversary this year.
And of course, we play 'Play One, Remake One, Erase One'. This time around, it's the 'Games That Feature Athletes In Their Titles' Edition, starring Mike Tyson's Punch-Out, Jordan vs Bird, and Ken Griffey Jr. presents Major League Baseball!
If you want to skip to something specific, here's where to go:
0:00 - 3:40 Intro
3:40 - 5:10 Expansion Pass #41 - 'The Blankies' Clip
5:10 - 9:02 Initial self-indulgent rambling
9:02 - 26:30 'Blowing In The Cartridge' (Listener comments & questions, and Letter Time!)
26:30 - 38:15 'Play One. Remake One. Erase One.'
38:15 - 41:45 What have I been playing?
41:45 - 44:18 Listener's Shaq-Fu Memories
44:18 + Shaq-Fu Talk!

Tuesday Jan 05, 2021
Remember The Game #130 - Tetris
Tuesday Jan 05, 2021
Tuesday Jan 05, 2021
The term "the greatest video game in the history of the industry" gets thrown around a lot these days, but when it comes to Tetris, it may actually be true.
Everyone, and I mean EVERYONE, has played Tetris. The concept is so damned simple. Make lines out of falling bricks. When you do, the line disappears. Rinse and repeat until the screen fills up or the batteries on your GameBoy die. It's so easy to learn, so difficult to master, and it's more addictive than cigarettes*.
*Haven't fact checked that.
My guest, former RTG Hall of Famer Mark McCue is a Tetris junkie just like me, and damned if we didn't find a way to make a conversation about bricks entertaining. I really like this episode, and I hope you do too.
But before we talk the famous Tetris, it's the Remember The Game Infamous Intro! This week, I talk about Ready Player One, we debate Raphael's value to the TMNT, someone asks for PS4 game recommendations, and more!
And of course, we play 'Play One, Remake One, Erase One'. This time around, it's the High Score' Edition, starring Galaga, Pac-Man, and Donkey Kong.
If you want to skip to something specific, here's where to go:
0:00 - 2:15 Intro
2:15- 10:34 Initial self-indulgent rambling
10:34 - 21:10 'Blowing In The Cartridge' (Listener comments & questions, and Letter Time!)
21:10 - 31:42 'Play One. Remake One. Erase One.'
31:42 - 32:50 What have I been playing?
32:50 - 36:20 Listener's Tetris Memories
36:20 + Tetris Talk!
Enjoy the podcast!

Tuesday Dec 29, 2020
Remember The Game #129 - Crash Bandicoot
Tuesday Dec 29, 2020
Tuesday Dec 29, 2020
2020 has been, not...good. I think most of us can agree on that. But one of the bright lights of the last year was that we finally got Crash Bandicoot 4. And haters gonna hate, that game is fucking awesome. So is Crash Bandicoot. Which is why for the final episode of 2020, we're talking about the box breaking Bandicoot's debut title; Crash Bandicoot for the PlayStation.
I've been wanting to talk about this game for quite a while, and we finally made it happen. My guest this week is my pal and fellow comedian Darren Morris, who you may remember from our Spyro The Dragon podcast, and we spent a good hour talking about the ups and downs of the Crash franchise, why he didn't stick as Playstation's "mascot", and a bunch of other Bandicooty stuff.
And as always, before we break boxes, it's the Remember The Game Infamous Intro! This time around, I talk about why Nintendo games don't drop in price like other games do, are PlayStation 4s designed to slow down like old smartphones are, I talk about what I played over Christmas break, and more!
And of course, we play 'Play One, Remake One, Erase One'. This time around, it's the 'Great games that I played on my 24 hour charity stream and all end with the number 2' Edition, starring Donkey Kong Country 2, MegaMan 2, and Sonic The Hedgehog 2.
If you want to skip to something specific, here's where to go:
0:00 - 1:45 Intro
1:45 - 9:25 Initial self-indulgent rambling
9:25 - 23:22 'Blowing In The Cartridge' (Listener comments & questions, and Letter Time!)
23:22 - 34:46 'Play One. Remake One. Erase One.'
34:46 - 35:55 What have I been playing?
35:55 - 38:25 Listener's Crash Bandicoot Memories
38:25 + Crash Bandicoot Talk!
Enjoy the podcast!
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