
Wednesday Mar 20, 2019
Remember The Game #38 - StarTropics
Wednesday Mar 20, 2019
Wednesday Mar 20, 2019

Wednesday Mar 13, 2019
Remember The Game #37 - Paper Mario
Wednesday Mar 13, 2019
Wednesday Mar 13, 2019

Wednesday Mar 06, 2019
Remember The Game #36 - Resident Evil
Wednesday Mar 06, 2019
Wednesday Mar 06, 2019

Wednesday Feb 27, 2019
Remember The Game #35 - Mike Tyson's Punch Out!!
Wednesday Feb 27, 2019
Wednesday Feb 27, 2019
For my money, there may not be a game in the NES library (at least, not without "Mario" in the title) that has aged better than the masterpiece that is Mike Tyson's Punch Out!!
Because make no mistake - this game is hard. Like, really hard. Mike Tyson is considered one of the most difficult "final bosses" in the history of gaming, and that's assuming you can even get to him. I never have. In classic Nintendo style, the first few levels (opponents) are pretty easy, slowly introducing new game mechanics and teaching you everything you need to know. But once the difficulty starts to ramp up, it punches you right in the face. Because it's a boxing game, you get it?
I've always preferred the Super Nintendo sequel to this game, but after spending some serious time with Mike Tyson's Punch Out!! in preparation for this podcast, I've remembered what an absolute classic it is. It's as fun to play in 2019 as it was in 1987, and it deserves it's spot alongside the Mario Bros, Castlevanias and Mega Mans on the list of the greatest games in the NES's legendary library.
My pal and fellow NES junkie David Rae returns to the show this week, and damned if we didn't spend almost hour talking about how we couldn't beat Mike Tyson. Enjoy the podcast!

Wednesday Feb 20, 2019
Remember The Game #34 - WWF Attitude
Wednesday Feb 20, 2019
Wednesday Feb 20, 2019
Pro wrestling is probably the only thing on the planet on par with retro video games when it comes to making me feel nostalgic. Being a teenager during the Monday Night Wars and the Attitude Era was something special. If you liked wrestling in those days (and who didn't?), you know what I'm saying. Combine the Attitude Era with the Playstation and the Nintendo 64, and you have nostalgia overload.
Enter WWF Attitude.
When people talk wrestling games from the 90's and early 2000's, the instant focus falls on THQ. WCW/nWo Revenge, Wrestlemania 2000, and of course, WWF No Mercy are all absolutely incredible. But before the WWF got in bed with THQ, Akklaim was in charge of bringing Stone Cold and friends into the world of video games. And while WWF Attitude doesn't have anything close to the legacy WWF No Mercy (or even SmackDown does), it doesn't deserve to be overlooked like it usually is.
A lot of features that are common place in wrestling games today began with WWF Attitude. Things like super deep rosters, in depth create a wrestler, and even the ability to create an event all started with this game. While the THQ titles were taking the game in an "easy to approach and simple to control" direction, Akklaim focused on trying to make their wrestling games a more complicated, simulation type of experience. And while it's easy to look back on some of their decisions and laugh - and believe me, we do on the podcast this week - I think the powers that be behind this game deserve a little bit of credit for trying something different. It may not have worked all that well, but they helped lay the groundwork for what wrestling games would become.
My guest this week is fellow wrestling nerd and podcast host Kyle Shaw, and we had a great time sharing stories about not only playing video games, but watching wrestling as well. Enjoy the podcast!

Wednesday Feb 13, 2019
Remember The Game #33 - Earthworm Jim
Wednesday Feb 13, 2019
Wednesday Feb 13, 2019

Friday Feb 08, 2019
Remember The Game #32 - Fortnite
Friday Feb 08, 2019
Friday Feb 08, 2019

Wednesday Feb 06, 2019
Remember The Game #31 - RollerCoaster Tycoon
Wednesday Feb 06, 2019
Wednesday Feb 06, 2019
This episode is for all you "PC Master Race" nerds. Outside of Oregon Trail and some shareware games, there's really only one PC game I played growing up, and holy hell did I play a lot of it. I loved building roller coasters, charging people $5 to use the bathroom, and of course, picking people up with tweezers and dropping them in the middle of nowhere. This week, we're talking RollerCoaster Tycoon.
I don't remember where I first saw this game, but I remember being excited for it before it even released. I probably read about it in a gaming magazine leading up to March '99, and I vividly remember going to the store after work and buying it one day. I didn't even know if our computer was powerful enough to play it, but I figured it was worth the risk. And it was. Partially because my computer could play the game, and partially because this game is awesome.
It's sad that this franchise has lost it's way as hard as it has in recent years, because when it launched, it was incredible. I didn't know a ton of people that played it in my circle, but my brother and I played it non-stop. The various challenge levels got old fast, but that's not why anybody played this game. It was all about building the greatest amusement park in the world. Sitting there, studying your customers and watching the money roll in was as addictive as anything I had experienced in gaming up to that point. I bought it years later for my Xbox, and I have it installed on my iPad and my phone now, too. I'll never stop giving this game my money.
RollerCoaster Tycoon is a phenomenal game, and it's still my favourite simulation style game of all-time. My buddy Mark McCue loves it, too. He's my guest this week, and we're going to take you to the official Remember The Game theme park. Admission is free, and good times are guaranteed.

Wednesday Jan 30, 2019
Remember The Game #30 - Grand Theft Auto: Vice City
Wednesday Jan 30, 2019
Wednesday Jan 30, 2019
Does anyone else hear the chorus to I Ran (So Far Away) and instantly think of Vice City? Oh, all of you? At least it isn't just me then....
Everyone played Grand Theft Auto: Vice City. I know there had been the original top-down style GTA games, and GTA 3 had been out for a little while, but this seemed like the one that really kick-started the Grand Theft Auto phenomenon. I know personally, this one the first one I played. I never actually finished the story, but I'd spend hours just driving around causing chaos and running away from the police. I'd never played a game like this before, it felt so....real (for lack of a better word).
The soundtrack for this game is absolutely iconic. Just driving around listening to the radio was so much fun. The amount of time Rockstar spent on the radio DJ's conversations was incredible for the time. As someone that would usually turn the sound off on my video games and listen to a CD instead (fuck I'm old), this game really grabbed my attention from an audio perspective. It was so good.
I'm sure kids that grew up on GTA V would take one look at Vice City and laugh, but for us old folks, this game was the cat's ass. I've been looking forward to uploading this episode for a while, because I know every gamer from my generation remembers ripping around, seeing if they could max out their stars and still get away from the cops. This game was like playing a movie. It's unquestionably one of the most iconic games of it's generation, and I had a great time chatting about it with my buddy Andre. I hope you guys have as much fun with this episode as we did.
Find us on Twitter and Instagram - @memberthegame
And check out our website! https://www.rememberthegamepodcast.com

Wednesday Jan 23, 2019
Remember The Game #29 - Battletoads in Battlemaniacs
Wednesday Jan 23, 2019
Wednesday Jan 23, 2019