
Tuesday Jul 20, 2021
Remember The Game? #158 - Killer Instinct
Tuesday Jul 20, 2021
Tuesday Jul 20, 2021
We have a very vocal group of fighting game fans here at 'Remember The Game?', and I do my best to satiate them. I just didn't play a lot of fighters growing up. I thought I was throwing them a bone with Shaq-Fu a little while back, but that went across like a slap in the face (which would be my signature move if I was in a fighting game). So we're taking it up a notch.
Killer Instinct is one of the rare (pun intended) fighters I played growing up. And while I stink at it, I really like this game. It was, and is, so damned cool! So we're giving it a chance to escape the shadows of Street Fighter and Mortal Kombat this week on the show.
My guest is making his RTG debut. He's a fighting fan and the Killer to my Instinct; Mike the Ref! Mike grew up playing KI in the arcade, I played it on the Game Boy (ugh) and the SNES (yay) and we're showing Rare's little fighter some love on this episode of the podcast.
And before we talk the instincts of killers, it's another edition of the 'Remember The Game Infamous Intro'!
This time around, we talk about the recently announced Steam Deck and whether it's a threat to Nintendo's handheld crown. We also get into games we wanted to get into, but never did. And a listener writes in with a tale of gaming heartbreak, which prompts Adam to revisit one of his most traumatic gaming memories.
AND, we have another round of 'Play One, Remake One, Erase One', featuring retro fighters Street Fighter II, Mortal Kombat 3 and Killer Instinct!
Are you on social media? Of course you are. So follow us! We'll probably follow you back ;)
Twitter: @MemberTheGame
Instagram: @MemberTheGame
And you can find Mike at:
Twitter: @MikeTheRef
And check out the Clandestine Society (@ClandestineSOC) at the Youtube channel above! New episodes debuting on July 22 and August 19!

Tuesday Jul 13, 2021
Remember The Game #157 - Jet Set Radio
Tuesday Jul 13, 2021
Tuesday Jul 13, 2021
The SEGA Dreamcast is the little system that could, but didn't. I have a soft spot in my hard heart for Sega's final console, and while it may not have gotten enough love in it's prime, it sure as hell is gonna get some all these years later at Remember The Game? Industries.
This week, we're talking the odd, yet superb, yet slightly poorly aged, yet unique and super fun inline skating/graffiti laying Jet Set Radio. One of the more unique titles I've played in my life. It still looks and sounds great all these years later. Does it still play great? Let's just say at least it's easier on your eyes and ears than it is on your fingers today.
My buddy Chris returns to the show this week. He's a life-long SEGA fan, and a suspected graffiti vandal/artist, and he has a lot of love for Jet Set Radio, as well. We get into the good and bad of this game, and speculate as to why SEGA ignores this series harder than gamers ignored the Saturn.
And before we talk about fighting street thugs with spray paint, it's another edition of the 'Remember The Game Infamous Intro'!
This time around, we talk gaming subscription services like GamePass, and what affect they may have on gaming collecting. We also discuss the idea that it's time to stop considering Nintendo a competitor to PlayStation and Xbox. And are there any retro games we DON'T want to see remastered/remade? We'll tell you!
AND, we have another round of 'Play One, Remake One, Erase One', featuring the Dreamcast titles Soul Calibur, Shenmue and Virtua Tennis!
Are you on social media? Of course you are. So follow us! We'll probably follow you back ;)
Twitter: @MemberTheGame
Instagram: @MemberTheGame

Tuesday Jul 06, 2021
Remember The Game #156 - Zelda II: The Adventure of Link
Tuesday Jul 06, 2021
Tuesday Jul 06, 2021
It's another 'Patreon Poll' edition of the show this week. Every month, you hot dogs get to pick a game I haven't played that you want to hear us cover on the podcast, and I play through it and then ramble about it into a microphone for an hour.
And this time, we're talking about the weirdo of the Zelda family - Zelda II: The Adventure of Link for the NES. Nintendo struck gold with the first Zelda game, and so they decided to change EVERYTHING while developing it's highly anticipated sequel. Was it the right call? Gamers debate that to this very day.
Former RTG Hall of Famer Mark McCue returns to the show this week, fresh off playing this bad boy for the first time himself. Did we like it? Love it? Hate it? Maybe a little bit of all of those and just spent a hour trying to decide whether or not this game is good? Listen and find out!
And before we try to make up our minds about Zelda II, it's another edition of the 'Remember The Game Infamous Intro'!
This time around, we talk about Mario Golf: Super Rush, and the idea that maybe Nintendo is getting a little complacent. We look at the idea of indie gaming being in trouble, as the big boys in video games continue to buy gaming studios like a game collector at a flea market. And a few of you just wrote in with Simpsons quotes, and I read them because I'm a sucker for that shit.
AND, we have another round of 'Play One, Remake One, Erase One', featuring the Gamecube titles Super Mario Strikers, Mario Golf: Toadstool Tour, and Mario Power Tennis!
Are you on social media? Of course you are. So follow us! We'll probably follow you back ;)
Twitter: @MemberTheGame
Instagram: @MemberTheGame

Tuesday Jun 29, 2021
Remember The Game #155 - Super Mario Kart (Part II)
Tuesday Jun 29, 2021
Tuesday Jun 29, 2021
This week, it's another one of our 're-visited' series, where we take another look at one of the heavyweight titles we covered back in the show's early days.
And this time, it's all about one of the most influential titles ever made. It launched a franchise, a genre, and convinced Nintendo they could stick Mario into literally any scenario they could think of and it would make money; Super Mario Kart!
By popular demand, my buddy Kait makes her long awaited return to the Blankphone this week, and we spent almost an hour gushing about the first time Mario and Bowser rounded up their crews and destroyed a bunch of Lakitu's go-karts.
And before we talk about that, it's another edition of the 'Remember The Game Infamous Intro'!
This time around, I get called out for cheering for Canada in the Euro last week. A listener is looking for help getting their retro games running on modern TVs. And someone writes in in defence of Ubisoft Plus (after I came down on it a couple weeks ago), and raises some great points.
AND, we have another round of 'Play One, Remake One, Erase One', featuring Super Mario 64, The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time, and Mario Kart 64!
Are you on social media? Of course you are. So follow us! We'll probably follow you back ;)
Twitter: @MemberTheGame
Instagram: @MemberTheGame

Tuesday Jun 22, 2021
Remember The Game #154 - Batman: The Video Game
Tuesday Jun 22, 2021
Tuesday Jun 22, 2021
Is Batman the best game based on a movie from the 80's on the NES? Who are we to say?
But yes. It is.
My guest this week is the Robin to my Batman, my good buddy Brad Woren. And we're going back to 1989 for this episode, and talking about the tough but fair NES action game, Batman. Most people remember it for being tough as nails, but they need to also remember the kick-ass soundtrack, above average graphics, and surprisingly fun gameplay. We'll make sure that's the case after this week's podcast.
And before we talk about men made of bats, it's another edition of the Remember The Game Infamous Intro!
This time around, we talk about stuff like other retro games we would have liked see take advantage of the Sonic & Knuckles "lock-on technology", whether long forecast or short term plan E3 presentations are the better approach, and about how the new golden age of gaming could be right around the corner!
AND, we have another round of 'Play One, Remake One, Erase One', featuring Who Framed Roger Rabbit?, Ghostbusters, and Back to the Future for the NES!
Are you on social media? Of course you are. So follow us! We'll probably follow you back ;)
Twitter: @MemberTheGame
Instagram: @MemberTheGame

Tuesday Jun 15, 2021
Remember The Game #153 - Gaming Magazines
Tuesday Jun 15, 2021
Tuesday Jun 15, 2021
Remember gaming magazines? Pepperidge Farms remembers. And so do we.
My guest this week is our resident former Hall of Famer - Mark McCue. We changed the formula up a little this week, and instead of talking about the games we played back in the day, we talked about the magazines about the games we played back in the day. From the ads, to the reviews, to the tips and tricks and the killer cover art; we're talking gaming magazine memories.
And before we talk about Nintendo Power, it's another edition of the Remember The Game Infamous Intro!
This time around, we talk about stuff like the best character class in RPGs, whether or not online trophies should be included in a platinum trophy's criteria, and whether or not Playstation should get away from this tried and true "third person action game" formula.
AND, we have the first ever round of 'Read One, Revive One, Remove One', featuring Nintendo Power, EGM, and GamePro!
Are you on social media? Of course you are. So follow us! We'll probably follow you back ;)
Twitter: @MemberTheGame
Instagram: @MemberTheGame

Tuesday Jun 08, 2021
Remember The Game #152 - Parasite Eve
Tuesday Jun 08, 2021
Tuesday Jun 08, 2021
Parasite Eve won our Patreon Poll back in April, and it's finally time to talk about it, dammit. My sincere apologies for the delay. It took longer than I expected to track down a way to play this one.
But play it I did.
I love some parts of it. I don't like others. It's like Final Fantasy and Resident Evil hooked up and made a game, and it's one of the weirder games I've played over the years. I have a LOT to say about Aya and her quest to stop people from spontaneously combusting (seriously, that's the game), and it's time to talk about.
My guest this week is a RTG regular - my buddy, Tyler. He played Parasite Eve back when it was fresh. I played it 23 years later. And a lot of our thoughts lined up, which, in my opinion, means this game has aged pretty damned well. Does that mean you should play it? Listen and find out!
And before we talk about Aya and friends, it's another edition of the Remember The Game Infamous Intro!
This time around, we talk about stuff like my dream game room, great retro game box art, and why certain games we've covered on the show, like Final Fantasy VIII, are so damned divisive.
AND, we have another round of 'Play One, Remake One, Erase One'. This time, it's the "Playstation games that I want to play but haven't" edition, featuring Dino Crisis, Tenchu, and Syphon Filter.
Are you on social media? Of course you are. So follow us! We'll probably follow you back ;)
Twitter: @MemberTheGame
Instagram: @MemberTheGame

Tuesday Jun 01, 2021
Remember The Game #151 - Streets of Rage 2
Tuesday Jun 01, 2021
Tuesday Jun 01, 2021
Last week, we talked Super Mario Bros. Maybe you're wondering, 'where do you go after talking about one of the greatest Nintendo games of all-time?'
You talk about one of the greatest SEGA games of all-time! And that's what we're doing this week with the phenomenal beat 'em up; Streets of Rage 2.
Sometimes I struggle with playing a retro game for the first time nowadays, because their warts and imperfections just stand out so much more than they did back when the game released. But I gotta tell you kids - Streets of Rage 2 is every bit as playable today as it was in 1992. And that's really fucking playable.
My guest this week is my buddy Joe. He's a born and bred Sega kid, who grew up on a steady diet of Streets of Rage, and we blew so much smoke up this game's ass it looked like it was on fire. This might just be my favourite game on the Genesis, period.
And before we talk about rage filled streets, it's another edition of the Remember The Game Infamous Intro!
This time around, we talk about stuff like games that make us angry, but we play them anyway. I explain how much money I make on services like Patreon and Twitch, as opposed to how much those platforms take for themselves. And someone asks which console I've enjoyed more so far; my Playstation 5 or my Xbox Series X.
AND, we have another round of 'Play One, Remake One, Erase One'. This time, it's the "beat 'em ups that aren't Streets of Rage" edition, featuring Double Dragon II, River City Ransom, and Battletoads.
Are you on social media? Of course you are. So follow us! We'll probably follow you back ;)
Twitter: @MemberTheGame
Instagram: @MemberTheGame

Tuesday May 25, 2021
Remember The Game #150 - Super Mario Bros.
Tuesday May 25, 2021
Tuesday May 25, 2021
I wasn't sure we'd ever cover Super Mario Bros on this show. Of course it deserves an episode, but I was worried we wouldn't be able to do the game justice. I've never connected with a piece of media, in any form, like I have with the NES's flagship title.
But between the evolution of the podcast, my comfort and confidence level behind a microphone, and the YEARS of badgering by my guest this week, I think it's finally time. Episode 150 calls for a special game, and there's nary a game on the planet I consider more special than Super Mario Bros.
My guest this week is "the gentleman of RTG Industries" David Rae, and we shattered the record for the longest episode of the podcast while talking about Super Mario Bros, going for almost 2 hours. This was a very sentimental episode of the show for me, and I hope you hot dogs dig it.
*The Mario Bros portion of the podcast starts around the 58 minute mark*
And before we talk goombas, flowers, and those fucking Hammer Brothers, it's another (long) edition Remember The Game Infamous Intro!
This time around, we talk about stuff like launching a Youtube channel/podcast. I also design my own Mega Man game, and we speculate about physical vs digital games in the future. I also debut the first ever song of RTG Industries; courtesy of fan of the show Michael Leavitt.
AND, we have another round of 'Play One, Remake One, Erase One'. This time, it's the "franchise" edition, featuring Mario, Zelda, and Pokemon.
Are you on social media? Of course you are. So follow us! We'll probably follow you back ;)
Twitter: @MemberTheGame
Instagram: @MemberTheGame
And find David's show at:
Twitter: @quantumkickflip
Instagram: @quantumkickflip

Tuesday May 18, 2021
Remember The Game #149 - Final Fantasy V Advance
Tuesday May 18, 2021
Tuesday May 18, 2021
Final Fantasy IV & VI (II & III on the SNES) are considered by many to be among the best in the series. But what about the forgotten Fantasy; Final Fantasy V? I finally played it (no pun intended), and I gotta tell ya, it's just as good. Maybe even a little better. I fucking love it.
The story is a little on the shallow side, but the game's extraordinary job system more than makes up for it. The level of customization you're presented with in regards to how you assemble your team is just insane, and it made for one of the best JRPG experiences I've ever had. So good!!
My guest this week is longtime show supporter Ben Beaulieu, and we had a hell of a time talking about a hell of a game. It's all about the phenomenal Final Fantasy V this week!
And before we talk Exdeath and friends, it's another edition Remember The Game Infamous Intro!
This time around, we talk about stuff like backlogs, the upcoming Gotham Knights and Suicide Squad games, and the Super Scope!
Plus, we have another round of 'Play One, Remake One, Erase One'. This time, it's the "RPGs that everyone doesn't talk about all the time" edition, featuring Phantasy Star IV, Secret of Evermore, and Secret of Mana!
Are you on social media? Of course you are. So follow us! We'll probably follow you back ;)
Twitter: @MemberTheGame
Instagram: @MemberTheGame
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