
Wednesday Jan 16, 2019
Remember The Game #28 - Super Mario World 2: Yoshi's Island
Wednesday Jan 16, 2019
Wednesday Jan 16, 2019

Wednesday Jan 09, 2019
Remember The Game #27 - Sonic The Hedgehog 3 / Sonic & Knuckles
Wednesday Jan 09, 2019
Wednesday Jan 09, 2019
If Mario was the video game Heavyweight Champion in the 90's, Sonic The Hedgehog was the #1 contender. I didn't own a Sega Genesis growing up, but I played all the Sonic games. I watched the cartoon. I read the comic books. Sonic was everywhere! He was fast, he was cool, and he was the face of SEGA. But, were his games fun to play?
My buddy Andre was a Sega kid, and he returns to the podcast this week to help me remember not one, but TWO Sega Genesis games that are attached at the hip (thanks to "cutting edge, lock on technology"); Sonic The Hedgehog 3, and Sonic & Knuckles. Enjoy!
'Remember The Game?' is on Facebook! facebook.com/rememberthegame
AND Twitter! @memberthegame
AND NOW Instagram! @memberthegame
Thanks for listening!

Wednesday Jan 02, 2019
Remember The Game #26 - Super Mario Bros: The Lost Levels
Wednesday Jan 02, 2019
Wednesday Jan 02, 2019
Happy new year! I hope you had a great holiday season, and the "January Blues" aren't hitting you too hard. And if they are, hopefully a new podcast will help snap you out of it!
We're going with a bit of a black sheep this week (there are only so many Chrono Triggers and Tony Hawk games out there!). My buddy and fellow comic Dave Rae returns to the show, and we decided to have a chat about the Cousin Oliver of the NES Mario family; the REAL Super Mario Bros 2. You may know it as Super Mario Bros - The Lost Levels.
Originally finding it's way over to North America in the Super Mario All Stars compilation on the SNES, the original version has popped up on Virtual Consoles over the years as well. It's unquestionably the most difficult core Mario Bros game, and I like it a lot. If you've played it, you know just how brutally challenging it is. If you haven't, this probably won't sell you on it, but it should. Give it a shot!
We've seen a crazy spike in downloads the last couple weeks, which I can only chalk up to people discovering the podcast for the first time, and exploring the back catalogue. So THANK YOU to all of you for listening to, supporting, and sharing the podcast with your friends. I really do appreciate it, and I can't wait to see where we end up in 2019!
We're also on Twitter! @memberthegame
AND facebook! facebook.com/memberthegame

Wednesday Dec 26, 2018
Remember The Game #25 - Chrono Trigger
Wednesday Dec 26, 2018
Wednesday Dec 26, 2018
Happy Boxing Day! I have a late Christmas present for all you nerds. An episode of Remember The Game about the single most requested game we've had since we launched the podcast earlier this year; Chrono Trigger!!
My pal Tyler is a Chrono Trigger junkie, and we spent a good 45 minutes looking back at one of the most celebrated and beloved RPGs of all time. I hope this episode helps you kill some time while you're standing in a Boxing Day sale line. Maybe it just provides an escape from the in-laws for an hour. Regardless of how you're spending your holidays, I hope they're going well, Santa came through for ya, and I really appreciate you spending an hour of them geeking out with us.
I'm really excited to see where this podcast goes in 2019, and thank all of you so much for supporting it like you have.
And hey, we're on Twitter! @memberthegame
AND Facebook! facebook.com/memberthegame
Happy New Year!

Wednesday Dec 19, 2018
Remember The Game #24 - Sega vs Nintendo
Wednesday Dec 19, 2018
Wednesday Dec 19, 2018
Playstation vs Nintendo 64. PS3 vs Xbox 360. Virtual Boy vs sanity. All among the greatest rivalries in video game history. But none of them can touch the blood feud that was Nintendo vs Sega in the 90's.
This week, my buddy Miklos joins me, and we take a look back at what it was like growing up during the premier Console Wars. Miklos was a Sega Genesis kid, I had my Super Nintendo. We probably would have fought as kids. As adults, the wounds have healed. Enough time has passed. We were finally able to sit in the same room, shake hands, and talk about what it was like on the other side of the fence.
I really enjoyed this episode, it was one we've kicked around for quite a while. I hope you all enjoy it, too.
And hey, we're on twitter! @memberthegame
And hey, we're on Facebook! facebook.com/memberthegame
And hey, thanks for listening. Merry Christmas!

Wednesday Dec 12, 2018
Remember The Game #23 - Mario Paint
Wednesday Dec 12, 2018
Wednesday Dec 12, 2018
Do you still have your SNES mouse??? That big, boring grey mousepad?? Is there any reason to play Mario Paint in 2018??
Of course there is; the fly swatter game!
My fellow gaming nerd Mark McCue is back this week, and we took a trip down memory lane and remember Mario Paint for the SNES. In a time before iPads, smart phones, and even home computers, we had Mario Paint. Colour pictures, make stupid songs, create comics, and yep, swat flies. Everyone played with this game in the '90s. I really feel this was the launching pad for some of Nintendo's "outside of the box" ideas that would come down the road.
If you're enjoying the podcast, follow us on Twitter! @memberthegame
OR/AND join our Facebook group! facebook.com/memberthegame
Thanks for listening!

Wednesday Dec 05, 2018
Remember The Game #22 - Super Smash Bros. Melee
Wednesday Dec 05, 2018
Wednesday Dec 05, 2018
*NOTE: We recorded this episode several weeks ago. We do talk a little Smash Bros Ultimate, and address some rumours floating around at the time that turned out not to be true. Please don't email us to tell us we're dumb. At least, not because of that*
With Super Smash Bros Ultimate releasing this week, we thought it would be a great week to remember one of the best fighting/party games of the last 25 years; Super Smash Bros Melee!
My pal Mark McCue is back this week, and we took a trip down memory lane and reminisced about the premier Smash Bros game. This game still has an insanely active competitive scene almost 20 years after it's initial release! Nintendo has released Gamecube controllers and adapters for the Wii U AND the Switch specifically for the franchise, and more importantly, because of this game.
I love Smash Bros. Melee, and so should you. If you don't, hopefully this week's episode changes your mind!
If you're a Facebooker, join us! facebook.com/memberthegame
If you're a Twitterer, follow us! @memberthegame
And thank you for listening. You guys are the best!

Wednesday Nov 28, 2018
Remember The Game #21 - Tony Hawk Pro Skater 2
Wednesday Nov 28, 2018
Wednesday Nov 28, 2018
Is there a video game series from the late 90's/early 2000's that stole more hours of our lives than the Tony Hawk series?? EVERYONE played these games!
The wicked soundtracks, the tight controls, the insanely addictive gameplay; this series had it all. My buddy Tyler is back this week, and we take a trip down memory lane and look back at the legendary Tony Hawk Pro Skater 2. Enjoy!
Find 'Remember The Game?' on Twitter! @memberthegame
AND join our Facebook group! facebook.com/memberthegame

Wednesday Nov 21, 2018
Remember The Game #20 - Final Fantasy IX
Wednesday Nov 21, 2018
Wednesday Nov 21, 2018
For my money, this isn't just the best Final Fantasy on the original Playstation, it might be the best Final Fantasy game, period.
My buddy Andre returns to the show this week, and we look back at the masterpiece that is Final Fantasy 9. I don't know if it's possible to describe a Final Fantasy game as "overlooked", but I think if there's one core title in the series that might be, it's this one. I love this game, and you should, too.
Did you know this podcast has a twitter account?? @memberthegame
AND it has a Facebook page!? facebook.com/memberthegame
Thanks for listening!

Wednesday Nov 14, 2018
Remember The Game #19 - Earthbound
Wednesday Nov 14, 2018
Wednesday Nov 14, 2018
When it was originally released, Earthbound was an absolutely criminally overlooked game on the SNES. Years later, it became one of the most expensive and sought after cartridges on the console in the eyes of collectors. These days (fortunately), it's available everywhere; Wii U Virtual Console, the SNES classic, it's even on the new 3DS.
My buddy Chris returns to the show this week, and we spend some time explaining why you HAVE to play this masterpiece, if you haven't already.
Find 'Remember The Game?' on Twitter! @memberthegame
And on our Facebook group! facebook.com/memberthegame