
Tuesday Dec 07, 2021
Remember The Game?#177 - Luigi‘s Mansion
Tuesday Dec 07, 2021
Tuesday Dec 07, 2021
Every month, our supporters on Patreon get to vote for a game that want to hear us cover on the podcast. The poll is made up of games listeners have been asking for, that I've never played. Sometimes this results in an episode where I just get pissed off at how bad a game is. And sometimes it results in me finally playing a game that I should have played a long-ass time ago.
Fortunately for all you Luigi's Mansion fans, this time around, its scenario #2. This game is a must-play for any Nintendo GameCube fan. I'm still confused as to why they launched a console with a vacuuming simulator starring the character that was previously relegated to younger siblings, but at the end of the day, I guess it doesn't matter. From the graphics, to the sound, to the mansion itself, Luigi's Mansion oozes charm. I had a fucking blast playing this game.
My buddy Darren returns to the show this week, and we spent a good hour chatting about the many things we loved about this game, as well as the minor nitpicks that we didn't. We tried to figure out why Nintendo decided to come out of the gate with this game instead of a Mario title, too. If you're a GameCube fan, you're gonna dig this episode.
And before we bust (or suck?) ghosts, I sneak in another edition of the 'Remember The Game Infamous Intro'!
This week, we talk about the increasing number of video games being made into TV shows. Sony doesn't really have one "front and centre" mascot, and maybe they don't really need one. And what does Adam think of the Angry Video Game Nerd?
PLUS, we have another round of 'Play One, Remake One, Erase One', featuring three of the GameCube's best - Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door, Metroid Prime, and Animal Crossing.
Are you on social media? Of course you are. So follow us!
Twitter: @MemberTheGame
Instagram: @MemberTheGame
And if you're interested in supporting my 24 hour Extra Life charity stream on December 18 and 19, you can find more information at RememberTheGamePodcast.com!

Tuesday Nov 30, 2021
Remember The Game? #176 - Gunstar Heroes
Tuesday Nov 30, 2021
Tuesday Nov 30, 2021
Every time we talk about a Sega Genesis game, I bring up that I was a Nintendo kid in the 90's, and I love discovering great games that I missed out on. And this week, that all applies again. I fired up Gunstar Heroes after hearing for years that it's one of the best titles the Genesis has to offer, and damned if that isn't spot on. I'm a huge Contra fan, but this might be the best run and gun I've ever played (that isn't called Cuphead.)
Saturday morning cartoon graphics, customizable weapons, characters with different traits and perks, levels that are playable in any order you want, a banging soundtrack. This game has it all. I thought Streets of Rage 2 was a lock for my favourite Genesis game of all-time, but Gunstar Heroes has me reconsidering that number 1 spot.
My pal Chris returns to the show this week. He's a fitting guest considering he's one of the Sega kids that has been hounding me to play this game forever, and we had a great time talking about a great game. Gunstar Heroes is a retro gaming gem, and if you haven't already played it, I hope this podcast convinces you to right that wrong ASAP.
And before we become heroes, I sneak in another edition of the 'Remember The Game Infamous Intro'!
This week, we sing the praises of the PlayStation 4 game library. I talk about games that I'm scared to start playing, despite wanting to figure them up. And on the heels of last week's Ocarina of Time podcast, a listener asks me to try and convince them the game is worth playing, despite my mixed opinions on it.
PLUS, we have another round of 'Play One, Remake One, Erase One', featuring three of my favourite Genesis games - Shinobi 3, Earthworm Jim 2, and ToeJam and Earl.
Are you on social media? Of course you are. So follow us!
Twitter: @MemberTheGame
Instagram: @MemberTheGame
And if you're interested in supporting my 24 hour Extra Life charity stream on December 18 and 19, you can find more information at RememberTheGamePodcast.com!

Tuesday Nov 23, 2021
Remember The Game #175 - The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time (Part II)
Tuesday Nov 23, 2021
Tuesday Nov 23, 2021
The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time. I've never hidden the fact that I have very mixed opinions of this game. I played it when it came out in 1998 (pre-ordered one of the gold cartridges!), but it wasn't until this past couple weeks that I finally beat the Nintendo 64 version for the first time. Before then, I'd only ever finished the 3DS port. And going back to the original version in preparation for this podcast, I was reminded of why I can't decide whether or not I like Ocarina of Time as a whole.
The nostalgia this game triggers is off the charts. And I respect the hell out of it's legacy and what it did for 3D gaming, Nintendo, and the Zelda franchise. But I can't be convinced that it doesn't control like a shopping cart, and Navi and that stupid owl are co-favourites in the "Most annoying character ever" championship tournament.
So revisiting this game is a slippery slope. I'm not gonna come in here and crap all over a game thats beloved by so many of us, but I'm not gonna pretend it's perfect when it just isn't, either.
My buddy Bradley McCue returns to the show this week, as a card carrying Zelda fanboy, and we break down the 'yays' & 'nays' of one of the most iconic video games ever created; The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time. (It's pronounced 'Oak-a-rhine-ah of Tim', FYI).
And before we risk alienating half our listeners, I sneak in another edition of the 'Remember The Game Infamous Intro'!
This week, we talk about trying to focus on a game with so many other screens around to distract you while you're playing. Someone asks why sports games seem to be getting worse every year. And are you willing to look by a game that ships full of bugs and glitches, if it's still fun to play?
PLUS, we have another round of 'Play One, Remake One, Erase One', featuring three of the "middle of the pack" Zelda games - Zelda 2, The Minish Cap, and Twilight Princess.
Are you on social media? Of course you are. So follow us!
Twitter: @MemberTheGame
Instagram: @MemberTheGame
And you can check out Bradley's movie podcast 'Little Movie Dates' wherever you get podcasts, or on Instagram @LittleMovieDates

Tuesday Nov 16, 2021
Remember The Game? #174 - Mega Man V
Tuesday Nov 16, 2021
Tuesday Nov 16, 2021
I love Mega Man. And I love the Game Boy. But Mega Man on the Game Boy? It shouldn't work. And the first four times they tried it, it doesn't really look like it did. But as the old saying goes, the fifth times the charm!
Because Mega Man V...is...awesome.
It looks good. It controls well. It sounds great. It has a different story with different robot masters. And it has a robotic cat. He kinda sucks, but still. This game takes that NES Mega Man goodness we all knew and loved and puts it in your pocket on a puke green screen, and it works so damned well. I would argue this game is better than a couple of the NES Mega Man games, to be honest.
My buddy Patrick is a Game Boy super fan, and he returns to the show this week to combine his handheld nerdiness with my Mega Man obsession, and we churned out a podcast that's almost as good as Mega Man V itself.
And before we fight planets and Tango, I sneak in another edition of the 'Remember The Game Infamous Intro'!
This week, I talk about games that I never would have tried without GamePass. A listener challenges me to read a comment full of ten dollar words (and I fail miserably). And which Metroid villain would you rather run into in a dark alley? SA-X, or an E.M.M.I?
PLUS, we have another round of 'Play One, Remake One, Erase One', featuring what might be the three best Mega Man games ever created - Mega Man 2, Mega Man 3, and Mega Man X.
Are you on social media? Of course you are. So follow us!
Twitter: @MemberTheGame
Instagram: @MemberTheGame
And you can check out Patrick Discount Lion Safari (shout out to anyone that get's that reference!) here:

Tuesday Nov 09, 2021
Remember The Game? #173 - Tomb Raider
Tuesday Nov 09, 2021
Tuesday Nov 09, 2021
We're finally talking Tomb Raider. I missed these games back in their prime, but I sure remember them. Lara Croft was EVERYWHERE back in the day, and if people weren't talking about her games, they were talking about certain "codes" that we thought were in the game...
And while I'm sure the powers that be figured "If we give her big triangle boobs, people will talk about them" (which was true), the fact remains that these were pretty important games on their own. I adore the modern Tomb Raider trilogy and the Uncharted series, and I don't know if either would exist without the original Tomb Raider games.
They may not have aged all that well, but I still had a great time raiding my first tomb with Lara. My friend Kait grew up playing these games, and we had a great time talking about how hard it was to jump from platform to platform and killing a T-Rex with a pair of pistols. And yeah, we talk triangle boobs, too.
And before we get into all that, it's another edition of the 'Remember The Game Infamous Intro'!
This week, I talk about how we're entering a new golden age in gaming (in my opinion). I read and respond to a negative review of the podcast. And what are some 'wing and a prayer' games we want to see added to the Nintendo 64 Online service?
PLUS, we have another round of 'Play One, Remake One, Erase One', featuring three of the OG PlayStation's best - Castlevania: Symphony of the Night, Metal Gear Solid, and Vagrant Story.
Are you on social media? Of course you are. So follow us!
Twitter: @MemberTheGame
Instagram: @MemberTheGame

Tuesday Nov 02, 2021
Remember The Game? #172 - Mortal Kombat II
Tuesday Nov 02, 2021
Tuesday Nov 02, 2021
I say this every time we cover a fighting game, but this genre intimidates the hell out of me. I respect people that play these games at a high level so much, but even at their easiest difficulties, they're out of my league. Mortal Kombat II is a rare exception. I still suck at it, but I owned it growing up, and I played it quite a bit. I might even go as far as to say this is the game that convinced me I suck at fighting games.
Fortunately, I don't have to be good at a game to talk about it. And my buddy Mike The Ref makes his triumphant return to the podcast this week to carry me through another conversation about fighting games. He killed it on our Killer Instinct episode (no pun intended), and he brought the heat again this time around.
I still don't understand how people knew how to do fatalities, either.
And before we talk Johnny Cage and guts, it's another edition of the 'Remember The Game Infamous Intro'!
This week, I give some game advice to a new PlayStation 5 owner. Someone asks if I hate the sound of my own voice when I hear it (yes, very much). And is it a pro, or a con, when games come with all the playable characters/levels unlocked day one?
PLUS, we have another round of 'Play One, Remake One, Erase One', featuring some of the..."lesser known" fighting classics - TMNT: Tournament Fighters, Clayfighter, and Power Stone.
Are you on social media? Of course you are. So follow us!
Twitter: @MemberTheGame
Instagram: @MemberTheGame
And Mike is raising money for Jack.org, who works to reduce youth suicide in Canada. It's a great cause, show him some love!
Donation link: https://tiltify.com/@miketheref/be-part-of-the-solution
Merch Link: miketheref.live/merch
And find the rest of Mike's work here:
Personal Twitter: @miketheref
Twitch Channel: miketheref.live or twitch.tv/miketheref
Wrestling YouTube: youtube.com/c/Backbreakermedia
Gaming Twitter: @BackbreakerGame
Gaming YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC1IHuDfLwrqF_GCt2nkLzVQ

Tuesday Oct 26, 2021
Remember The Game? #171 - Diddy Kong Racing
Tuesday Oct 26, 2021
Tuesday Oct 26, 2021
I don't know if there's a game we've had more requests to cover on the podcast than Diddy Kong Racing. And the reason it took so long was because as a kid, I never played it. I had Mario Kart 64, and damned if I was gonna waste a Christmas or Birthday present on another kart racing game (that I always assumed wasn't as good, anyway).
Well, I've finally played it. And it turns out I was just a dumb kid. This game is absolutely as good as Mario Kart. It might even be better, to be honest. The single player certainly it, at least.
My buddy, and former Hall of Famer Mark McCue gave me a call this week, and we gushed about that time Diddy Kong and a bunch of weird animals went racing to try and defeat an evil pig (by racing him, too). It's way better than it sounds, I promise.
And before we talk Diddy Kong, it's another edition of the 'Remember The Game Infamous Intro'!
This week, I talk about what levels I hate most in games; swimming, ice, or desert. We also get into what we'd like to see in future WWE games, and if it's reasonable to pass on the new GTA remastered trilogy if they don't include the original soundtracks.
PLUS, we have another round of 'Play One, Remake One, Erase One', featuring some of the best run and gun titles ever made - Gunstar Heroes, Contra III: The Alien Wars, and Metal Slug 3.
Are you on social media? Of course you are. So follow us!
Twitter: @MemberTheGame
Instagram: @MemberTheGame

Tuesday Oct 19, 2021
Tuesday Oct 19, 2021
Did you use strategy guides growing up? Of course you did. These books were the holy grails of gaming in the 90's and 2000's. Even if you weren't looking for tips on how to save princesses or find material, they were just a blast to read. Like instruction manuals on steroids. But did you ever think about where those guides came from?
Some poor bastard must have spent days and days sitting in a room playing all those games, finding all the coins, the secret doors, the Knights of the Round materias, right? Well, we found one of those poor bastards, and he agreed to come on the show!
Doug Walsh spent eighteen years writing strategy guides, before the industry fell apart at the hands of Youtube and the internet. He wrote a fantastic book about his time as a gaming guru, The Walkthrough: Insider Tales from a Life in Strategy Guides, and he's my guest on the podcast this week. We talk about his time in the industry, some of the highlights and lowlights of his career, and he gives us an idea of what went into writing those guides we all grew up with.
This is one of my favourite episodes to date, and I hope you enjoy it as much as I did. (Check out Doug's socials at the end of this description and show him some love.)
And before we talk to Doug, I squeeze in another edition of the 'Remember The Game Infamous Intro'!
This week, I weigh in on Kotaku telling people they can emulate Metroid Dread already (with a guest appearance by Angry Adam). I talk about how I balance my gaming time and what motivates me to finish as many games as I do. And with Halloween right around the corner, I reveal the one horror movie franchise I watch fairly religiously.
PLUS, we have another round of 'Play One, Remake One, Erase One', featuring some zombie-centric titles - Dead Island, Resident Evil 5, and DeadRising!
Are you on social media? Of course you are. So follow us!
Twitter: @MemberTheGame
Instagram: @MemberTheGame
And show our special guest Doug Walsh some love:
The Walkthrough: https://dougwalsh.com/book/the-walkthrough/
Author Site: www.dougwalsh.com
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/dougwalshwrites/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/doug_walsh75

Tuesday Oct 12, 2021
Remember The Game#169 - RC Pro-Am
Tuesday Oct 12, 2021
Tuesday Oct 12, 2021
RC Pro-Am is not only one of my favourite games on the NES, but it's one of the best games in that iconic little grey box's library. And I'll be damned if I'm gonna sit here and let anyone say anything different. Fortunately, nobody seems to be.
The game is pretty basic. There's no real car customization, no multi-player, it only features one game mode, and there isn't even any in-game music, but none of that matters. You control a red car, you try to drive faster than blue, green and (cheating) yellow cars, and it's just a really fun experience. The game is over thirty years old, and I'll argue it's as playable today as it was back in the 80's.
My buddy Brad is my guest this week, and we talked about how less was more when it came to the NES sometimes, with RC Pro-Am being exhibit A for that argument. We also touched on the fact that this was the beginning of great things for RARE as a developer, and how I didn't realize "R.C" stood for "remote control" until about a week ago...
And before we talk about my incompetence, it's time for another edition of the 'Remember The Game Infamous Intro'!
This week, we talked about how some games are synonymous with their creators (Hideo Kojima, specifically), and whether or not that's a detriment to the games themselves. Someone asks how often I get "you should play _____" messages, and how I respond to them. And I share my initial thoughts on Metroid Dread (it's very, very good.)
PLUS, we have another round of 'Play One, Remake One, Erase One', featuring some retro racers - Super Off-Road, Uniracers, and Virtua Racing!
Are you on social media? Of course you are. So follow us!
Twitter: @MemberTheGame
Instagram: @MemberTheGame
Twitter: @quantumkickflip
RC Pro-Am is not only one of my favourite games on the NES, but it's one of the best games in that iconic little grey box's library. And I'll be damned if I'm gonna sit here and let anyone say anything different. Fortunately, nobody seems to be.
The game is pretty basic. There's no real car customization, no multi-player, it only features one game mode, and there isn't even any in-game music, but none of that matters. You control a red car, you try to drive faster than blue, green and (cheating) yellow cars, and it's just a really fun experience. The game is over thirty years old, and I'll argue it's as playable today as it was back in the 80's.
My buddy Brad is my guest this week, and we talked about how less was more when it came to the NES sometimes, with RC Pro-Am being exhibit A for that argument. We also touched on the fact that this was the beginning of great things for RARE as a developer, and how I didn't realize "R.C" stood for "remote control" until about a week ago...
And before we talk about my incompetence, it's time for another edition of the 'Remember The Game Infamous Intro'!
This week, we talked about how some games are synonymous with their creators (Hideo Kojima, specifically), and whether or not that's a detriment to the games themselves. Someone asks how often I get "you should play _____" messages, and how I respond to them. And I share my initial thoughts on Metroid Dread (it's very, very good.)
PLUS, we have another round of 'Play One, Remake One, Erase One', featuring some retro racers - Super Off-Road, Uniracers, and Virtua Racing!
Are you on social media? Of course you are. So follow us!
Twitter: @MemberTheGame
Instagram: @MemberTheGame
Twitter: @quantumkickflip

Tuesday Oct 05, 2021
Remember The Game #168 - DinoPark Tycoon
Tuesday Oct 05, 2021
Tuesday Oct 05, 2021
**There's a slight buzzing sound in the intro this week. I didn't catch it until the episode was finished. The game chat portion of the show doesn't have the same problem. My apologies!**
DinoPark Tycoon was a game we originally brought up about a year ago when we covered Oregon Trail. It's another one of those games many us played in school in the early 90's, but unlike Oregon Trail, DinoPark was fun because it was fun, not just because you weren't learning something boring like math or science.
Not as many seem to have played this one growing up, and that's really too bad, because for a "educational" game, it's really not that bad. You build a theme park, make money, and of course, play with dinosaurs. Every kid's dream! Former Hall of Famer Mark McCue and I had a great time reminiscing about our failed business ventures in the dinosaur theme park world, and I really hope we did this game justice. There may not be much meat on the bone, but the meat that's there is top shelf.
And before we talk about our childhood bankruptcy proceedings, it's time for another edition of the 'Remember The Game Infamous Intro'!
This week, we talk about the possibility of running out of games to talk about on the podcast. I share a heartwarming story that a gaming Dad sent into the show. And is it bullshit that some games give you a "grade" when you finish them? (Yes, it is.)
PLUS, we have another round of 'Play One, Remake One, Erase One', featuring some of the best PC simulation games ever made - The Sims, Rollercoaster Tycoon, and Tropico!
Are you on social media? Of course you are. So follow us!
Twitter: @MemberTheGame
Instagram: @MemberTheGame
Twitter: @quantumkickflip
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